Next-level Translation Automation with the Power of AI

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memoQ AGT: the Future of Translation Automation

memoQ Adaptive Generative Translation is an AI-based translation automation technology developed by memoQ. It takes translation automation to a whole new level by using a Large Language Model (LLM) to generate translations. It provides instant domain adaptation so that the translation results are tailored to the customer’s existing language resources (translation memories, terminology, term bases, aligned documents).

Never-before-seen technology

memoQ AGT unites the benefits of MT and translation memories so that the translation output has a significantly better quality.

It combines the power of AI (which can translate large volumes of text in a short time) with translation memories (which stores all your existing translations and comes up with matches from your existing translations, also taking context into account).

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No need to retrain; save time and money

memoQ AGT offers immediate domain adaptation for customized translations, preserving full control over the translation process and customer-owned language resources without the need to retrain.

The use of memoQ AGT ensures that your translation results are of a higher quality than machine translation or translation memories alone. It is also consistent with the terminology and language you use in your existing translations. This means that you need less editing, resulting in a decrease in time and resources needed for immediate accurate translations.

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Premium Translation Tailored to Your Brand

By leveraging your already existing resources, memoQ AGT can provide matches that are less generic and more consistent with your brand’s style, tone, and voice.

The translation result will also consider the context of your brand and reflect the terminology your company already uses. As a result, the matches coming from memoQ AGT will need less editing, thus shortening turnaround times and decreasing the room for human error.

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Enhanced MT results in a secure environment

memoQ AGT brings advanced security by relying on Microsoft Azure, not only to provide for the infrastructure needs of memoQ TMS but also for the large language model to power memoQ AGT.

memoQ AGT uses LLM to adapt and customize the results based on your previous translations. The data, already existing in your TMS, is used to enhance your translations, providing a more accurate outcome from the start.

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Why join the waitlist?

Working with AGT requires a well-established translation operation. High-quality, properly managed linguistic data in your TMS is crucial for AGT. In the first phase, we invite our users to express their interest by signing up on the waitlist. Those selected will receive exclusive access, prior to the launch, to try memoQ AGT with all the productivity benefits.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Who is memoQ AGT for?

We designed memoQ AGT for enterprises with extensive linguistic resources, but language service providers (LSPs) can also benefit from it.

memoQ AGT works with a large language model (Microsoft Azure OpenAI). If you don’t have a lot of data in translation memories, you can use LiveDocs to build up your corpus from previous translations.

I don't have memoQ TMS. Can I use memoQ AGT without it?

No, having access to memoQ TMS is the first step.

memoQ TMS offers translation resources (e.g., translation memories and LiveDocs corpora) that you can use with memoQ AGT.

Contact our sales team if you want to learn more or try out memoQ TMS.

I’m currently using MT. How can memoQ AGT be useful to me?

When using memoQ AGT you:

  • don't have to adjust or retrain your language models.
  • can have better translation quality than from today’s MT technologies.
  • save time and money.
When will memoQ AGT be available?

memoQ AGT has become available for selected users with the release of memoQ 10.4 in November.

The waitlist is still open and we are gradually granting access to memoQ AGT.

Which languages does memoQ AGT support?

memoQ AGT supports the following languages: Albanian, Arabic, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estionian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Ukranian, Vietnamese.

Do I need to pay to use memoQ AGT?

No, not for the initial period. It will be free of charge for a few months so that you can test drive it.

Then, we will add a price to cover the costs of the LLM and memoQ. To learn more about the costs, contact our sales team.

Is my data safe with memoQ AGT?

At memoQ, we take the security of your sensitive data very seriously. Our AGT solution currently relies on Microsoft's Azure OpenAI, which is a limited-access enterprise service. This service offers the same powerful generative language models as OpenAI, while providing the security capabilities of Microsoft Azure. It is important to note that the Azure OpenAI service does not interact with any services operated by OpenAI, such as ChatGPT. This means that your data is not shared with other customers, OpenAI, or any Microsoft or third-party products or services, and is not used to train or improve large language models. To learn more, check our AGT Terms of Service.

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